Fresh Cucumber

Fresh Cucumber

Healthy Cucumbers

Air Conditioning

1. Temperature: The ideal growth temperature for cucumbers is generally between 18-24 degrees Celsius. This temperature range may be lower for young plants. Temperature control should be maintained at different stages of development. Particularly, high temperatures can lead to plant stress, making temperature control crucial.

2. Humidity: In hydroponic environments, humidity levels between 50% and 70% are generally considered ideal. High humidity can lead to the development of fungal diseases. Humidity levels should be regularly monitored, and adjustments may be necessary to decrease or increase humidity when needed.

3. Air circulation: Increasing air circulation by maintaining sufficient distance between plants or using fans supports the healthy growth of plants. Improved air circulation enhances the uptake of carbon dioxide, fulfilling the plants’ needs, and can help prevent the spread of diseases.


1. Nutrient solution preparation: It is important to prepare a suitable nutrient solution that meets the nutritional needs of plants in hydroponic systems.

2. The essential nutrients that cucumbers typically require include nitrate, phosphate, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Regularly monitoring the pH and EC levels of the nutrient solution may be necessary.

3. pH and EC control: The pH of the nutrient solution should generally be between 5.8 and 6, as this range optimizes nutrient uptake for cucumbers. The EC (electrical conductivity) level affects plant nutrient absorption, so it should be regularly monitored and adjusted as needed.

4. Nutrient cycle: Managing the nutrient cycle in hydroponic systems is crucial. Plants may have different nutrient needs at various stages of growth. Typically, the nutrient solution should be adjusted to accommodate the plant’s growth and development, and regular feeding is essential.

Hen growing cucumbers in hydroponic systems, closely monitoring plant health and regularly checking climate and feeding conditions are crucial. Due to the need for maintaining a delicate balance in these systems, regular monitoring and adjustments may be necessary.


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