Cucumber Belly Rot

Cucumber Belly Rot

Cucumber Belly Rot

Cucumber belly rot disease is a fungal infection commonly observed during storage or transportation after cucumber harvest. This disease is typically caused by fungi that infect plant tissues and manifest during the storage process. Cucumber belly rot disease often presents itself as round or oval-shaped depressions on the lower part of infected cucumbers. These areas eventually decay, soften, and take on a dark-colored appearance of rot. This condition can make storage challenging and reduce marketability. The disease is usually more prevalent under storage conditions characterized by high humidity and temperature. Therefore, maintaining low temperature and humidity during storage helps control the disease. In the fight against belly rot disease, it is important to promptly cull infected cucumbers and ensure appropriate storage conditions. Regularly inspecting cucumbers during storage and promptly removing those showing signs of the disease is also crucial. Cucumber belly rot disease tends to occur more frequently in high humidity and temperature. High humidity levels above approximately 85% and temperatures typically ranging between 20-30 degrees Celsius provide favorable conditions for the development of the disease. Under these conditions, the risk of infection increases, and the disease may be more prevalent during storage. Hence, maintaining storage conditions with low humidity and low temperature is a significant factor in controlling cucumber belly rot disease. Since this disease is a fungal infection occurring during storage or transportation, chemical spraying is generally not recommended during the storage process of vegetables. However, you can combat the disease by altering storage conditions or using cultural methods to control it. Some of these methods include:

1. Improving Storage Conditions: Lowering temperature and humidity can reduce the risk of disease during the storage process. Storing cucumbers in a cool and dry environment can prevent the development of this disease. 2. Quick Detection and Cleaning: Regularly inspect cucumbers during storage. If disease symptoms are observed, promptly remove infected cucumbers to protect others. Regularly cleaning the storage area is also important. Chemical spraying is generally not used during the storage process because chemicals used in plant residue can pose a risk to human health. Therefore, maintaining hygiene and proper conditions during storage are the most effective methods. In the storage stage of cucumber belly rot disease, specific climate control and feeding methods can assist in disease control.

Air Conditioning:

1. Moisture and Temperature Control: Lowering humidity and temperature can reduce the development of the disease. Try to keep the humidity level low in storage areas. Low temperature can prevent the progression of the disease. 2. Air Circulation: Ensuring good air circulation in storage areas can facilitate faster drying of cucumbers and reduce humidity.


1. Growing Environment and Plant Health: Cultivating healthy and resistant plants can reduce the spread of diseases during the storage process. Enhancing resistance against diseases can be achieved by providing proper nutrition and cultivating plants in a healthy environment. 2. Cultural Practices: By paying attention to plant hygiene and health, keeping diseased plants separate from others, and promptly removing those showing signs of disease, you can establish control measures.

These methods help control cucumber belly rot disease during the storage process. While low humidity and temperature with good air circulation can reduce the progression of the disease, healthy plant cultivation and cultural practices can prevent its spread.


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