
Fresh Cucumber

Fresh Cucumber

Healthy CucumbersAir Conditioning 1. Temperature: The ideal growth temperature for cucumbers is generally between 18-24 degrees Celsius. This temperature range may be lower for young plants. Temperature control should be…
Cucumber Pythium Fruit Rot

Cucumber Pythium Fruit Rot

Cucumber Pythium Fruit Rot Cucumber Pythium Fruit Rot disease is a fungal (mold) disease that particularly affects cucumber fruits. It is caused by a water mold fungus called Pythium spp.…
Cucumber Gummy Stem Blight

Cucumber Gummy Stem Blight

Cucumber Gummy Stem Blight Cucumber Gummy Stem Blight, typically a fungal disease caused by the fungus Didymella bryoniae, affects cucumber plants and is characterized by lesions commonly observed on leaves,…
Cucumber Downy Mildew

Cucumber Downy Mildew

Cucumber Downy Mildew Cucumber downy mildew (İnek Boynuzu Mantarı) is a fungal disease that particularly affects cucumber plants. It is typically caused by a type of fungus known as Plasmopara…
Cucumber Belly Rot

Cucumber Belly Rot

Cucumber Belly Rot Cucumber belly rot disease is a fungal infection commonly observed during storage or transportation after cucumber harvest. This disease is typically caused by fungi that infect plant…
Cucumber Bacterial Wilt

Cucumber Bacterial Wilt

Cucumber Bacterial WiltCucumber bacterial wilt is a disease that commonly affects cucumber plants, typically caused by a bacterium called Erwinia tracheiphila. This bacterium induces the disease by causing the leaves…
Cucumber Anthracnose

Cucumber Anthracnose

Cucumber Anthracnose DiseaseAnthracnose is a fungal disease commonly observed in cucumber plants, especially in humid and warm climates. Symptoms include brown spots on leaves, water lesions, and fruit decay. To…
Tomato Seedling Stages

Tomato Seedling Stages

Information that Should be Known in Tomato Seedling HousesIf the plant’s leaf color is dark, it indicates ineffective photosynthesis, as it has increased chlorophyll instead of producing glucose. Therefore, extending…
Virus Group Diseases

Virus Group Diseases

Tomato Mosaic Virus DiseaseThe disease is caused by the Tobacco Mosaic Virus and its strains. Infected plant residues can survive in foreign weeds, as well as in cigarette and tobacco…
Tomato Mold Disease

Tomato Mold Disease

Mold DiseaseAlso known as “black rot,” this disease is caused by the Phytophthora fungus and spreads more easily in humid, temperate, or even warm (15/27°C) atmospheric conditions. The responsible species…
Tomato Bacterial Spot Disease

Tomato Bacterial Spot Disease

Bacterial Spot DiseaseThe initial symptoms on the leaves are small, shapeless, oily spots. As the disease progresses, these spots merge, leading to the drying of the entire leaves. Similar oily-looking…
Tomato Leaf Mold

Tomato Leaf Mold

Bacterial Late Wilt DiseaseThe pathogen of this disease resides in the soil, plant residues, and greenhouse construction materials. It spreads through the wind and enters the plant tissue through stomata.…
Tomato Late Blight

Tomato Late Blight

Bacterial Late Wilt DiseaseThe pathogen enters the plant tissue through stomata and prefers temperatures between 10-25°C and humidity conditions of 90%. Its optimum temperature requirement is 20-22°C. It thrives in…

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